- Curlew School District 50
- School Improvement Plan
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Curlew High & Elementary
Curlew School District # 050
John Glenewinkel, Superintendent
CURLEW WA 99118-9748
Students achieving their highest potential
Goal: All students will graduate ready for college/career.
Academic Goals:
- As measured by MAPs and/or DIBELs, students will make at least one years growth in math and reading for every year in school.
- Implement RTI in grades K-6 for reading (math in 2011-12).
- Vertically align curriculum in math, reading, writing and science.
- All students will meet or exceed grade level standards in math, reading, writing, and science by the time they graduate.
- Teachers in grades 5-12 will use AVID strategies in their classrooms including Cornell notes and common binder strategies.
Culture Goals:
- Improve student self discipline, reduce student bullying and harassment and increase student, staff and community perception of Curlew School being a safe school as measured by yearly surveys.
- Improve student/staff relationships and mutual respect as measured by yearly surveys.
- Promote and maintain enthusiasm and creativity as measured by yearly surveys.
Communication Goals:
- Online grade books will be up to date by Friday of each week.
- Expand our parent and community involvement opportunities.
- Weekly walkthroughs by superintendent and principal in every classroom.
- Implement a yearly survey (May 2011) to measure staff, student and community attitudes concerning key school issues.
Financial/Operations Goals:
- Maintain enough cash reserve to cover three months of operating expenses.
- Update the Classified Handbook and salary schedule.
- Fully implement the new financial management software.
- Pursue additional funding sources through grants and donations as long as they meet the needs and goals of the district.