• 2011-2012




    Curlew High & Elementary


    Curlew School District # 050



    John Glenewinkel, Superintendent


    CURLEW WA 99118-9748





    Students achieving their highest potential





    Goal:  All students will graduate ready for college/career.


    Academic Goals:          

    1. As measured by MAPs and/or DIBELs, students will make at least one years growth in math and reading for every year in school.    
    2. Implement RTI in grades K-6 for reading (math in 2011-12).
    3. Vertically align curriculum in math, reading, writing and science.
    4. All students will meet or exceed grade level standards in math, reading, writing, and science by the time they graduate.
    5. Teachers in grades 5-12 will use AVID strategies in their classrooms including Cornell notes and common binder strategies.


    Culture Goals:    

    1. Improve student self discipline, reduce student bullying and harassment and increase student, staff and community perception of Curlew School being a safe school as measured by yearly surveys.
    2. Improve student/staff relationships and mutual respect as measured by yearly surveys.
    3. Promote and maintain enthusiasm and creativity as measured by yearly surveys.


    Communication Goals:         

    1. Online grade books will be up to date by Friday of each week.
    2. Expand our parent and community involvement opportunities.
    3. Weekly walkthroughs by superintendent and principal in every classroom.
    4. Implement a yearly survey (May 2011) to measure staff, student and community attitudes concerning key school issues.


    Financial/Operations Goals:          

    1. Maintain enough cash reserve to cover three months of operating expenses.
    2. Update the Classified Handbook and salary schedule.
    3. Fully implement the new financial management software.
    4. Pursue additional funding sources through grants and donations as long as they meet the needs and goals of the district.